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Docker install and command

1. Environment
Centos 7

2. Install
$ yum -y install docker

3. Version confirm
$ docker –version

4. Docker start
$ systemctl start docker

5. Docker auto start-up
$ systemctl enable docker

6. Docker python 3.6.0 install

6.1 Get python 3.6.0 image
$ docker pull python:3.6.0

6.2 Show pull images
$ docker images

6.3 Docker start container
docker run -d –name {name} python:3.6.0 /bin/bash -c ‘tail -f /dev/null’

6.4 Docker run last container
$ docker start {name}
$ docker exec -it {name} /bin/bash

6.5 Docker stop container
$ docker stop {name}

6.6 Docker exit container
$ exit

6.7 Docker remove pull image
$ docker rmi {IMAGE_ID}

6.8 Docker show container list
$ docker ps -a

6.8 Docker remove container
$ docker rm {CONTAINER_ID}

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