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[Node.js Tutorials for Beginners] – Unit 3: Variables and Constants in Node.js


Table of Contents

1. Variables Definition in Node.js

2. Constants Definition in Node.js

3. Rule of naming variables and constants

1. Variables Definition in Node.js


// use keyword: var

var a = “Nodejs Tutorial”

// not use keyword: var

b = “”

console.log(“Valiable a = ” + a)

console.log(“Valiable b = ” + b)

Ok, run: node unit3.js in terminal and see result:


Valiable a = Nodejs Tutorial

Valiable b =

2. Constants Definition in Node.js


// constants difinition with data type is String

const c = “welcome to”;

// constants difinition with data type is Integer

const d = 10;

// constants definition with data type is Float

const e = 10.8;

// constants definition with data type is Logic(boolean)

const f = true;

console.log(“Constant c = ” + c);

console.log(“Constant d = ” + d);

console.log(“Constant e = ” + e);

console.log(“Constant f = ” + f);

Run: node unit3.js in terminal and see result:

Constant c = welcome to

Constant d = 10

Constant e = 10.8

Constant f = true

3. Rule of naming variables and constants

+ Variable and constant names must begin with a letter or an underscore character “_”.

+ Variable and Constant names are case-sensitive. For example, Name and name are two different variables.

+ Variable and constant names should not start with a numeral(0-9).

+ Name of variables and constants don’t contain speacial characters: !@#$%^&*()-


Node.js is untyped language. This means that a Node.js variable can hold a value of any data type. Unlike nany other languages, you don’t have to tell Node.js during variable declaration what type of value the variable will hold. The value type of a variable can change during the execution of a program and Node.js takes care of it automatically.

Thank you!