This notebook-based tutorial will create and run a TFX pipeline which trains an ML model using Vertex AI Training service and publishes it to Vertex AI for serving.
This notebook is based on the TFX pipeline we built in Simple TFX Pipeline for Vertex Pipelines Tutorial. If you have not read that tutorial yet, you should read it before proceeding with this notebook.
You can train models on Vertex AI using AutoML, or use custom training. In custom training, you can select many different machine types to power your training jobs, enable distributed training, use hyperparameter tuning, and accelerate with GPUs.
You can also serve prediction requests by deploying the trained model to Vertex AI Models and creating an endpoint.
In this tutorial, we will use Vertex AI Training with custom jobs to train a model in a TFX pipeline. We will also deploy the model to serve prediction request using Vertex AI.
This notebook is intended to be run on Google Colab or on AI Platform Notebooks. If you are not using one of these, you can simply click “Run in Google Colab” button above.
If you have completed Simple TFX Pipeline for Vertex Pipelines Tutorial, you will have a working GCP project and a GCS bucket and that is all we need for this tutorial. Please read the preliminary tutorial first if you missed it.
We will install required Python packages including TFX and KFP to author ML pipelines and submit jobs to Vertex Pipelines.
# Use the latest version of pip.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade "tfx[kfp]<2"
TODO(b/263441833) This is a temporal solution to avoid an ImportError. Ultimately, it should be handled by supporting a recent version of Bigquery, instead of uninstalling other extra dependencies.
pip uninstall shapely -y
If you are using Google Colab, the first time that you run the cell above, you must restart the runtime by clicking above “RESTART RUNTIME” button or using “Runtime > Restart runtime …” menu. This is because of the way that Colab loads packages.
If you are not on Colab, you can restart runtime with following cell.
# docs_infra: no_execute
import sys
if not 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
# Automatically restart kernel after installs
import IPython
app = IPython.Application.instance()
If you are running this notebook on Colab, authenticate with your user account:
import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
from google.colab import auth
If you are on AI Platform Notebooks, authenticate with Google Cloud before running the next section, by running
gcloud auth login
in the Terminal window (which you can open via File > New in the menu). You only need to do this once per notebook instance.
Check the package versions.
import tensorflow as tf
print('TensorFlow version: {}'.format(tf.__version__))
from tfx import v1 as tfx
print('TFX version: {}'.format(tfx.__version__))
import kfp
print('KFP version: {}'.format(kfp.__version__))
TensorFlow version: 2.12.1 TFX version: 1.13.0 KFP version: 1.8.22
We will set up some variables used to customize the pipelines below. Following information is required:
Enter required values in the cell below before running it.
from absl import logging
logging.error('Please set all required parameters.')
ERROR:absl:Please set all required parameters.
Set gcloud
to use your project.
gcloud config set project {GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}
ERROR: (gcloud.config.set) argument VALUE: Must be specified. Usage: gcloud config set SECTION/PROPERTY VALUE [optional flags] optional flags may be --help | --installation For detailed information on this command and its flags, run: gcloud config set --help
PIPELINE_NAME = 'penguin-vertex-training'
# Path to various pipeline artifact.
PIPELINE_ROOT = 'gs://{}/pipeline_root/{}'.format(GCS_BUCKET_NAME, PIPELINE_NAME)
# Paths for users' Python module.
MODULE_ROOT = 'gs://{}/pipeline_module/{}'.format(GCS_BUCKET_NAME, PIPELINE_NAME)
# Paths for users' data.
DATA_ROOT = 'gs://{}/data/{}'.format(GCS_BUCKET_NAME, PIPELINE_NAME)
# Name of Vertex AI Endpoint.
print('PIPELINE_ROOT: {}'.format(PIPELINE_ROOT))
PIPELINE_ROOT: gs:///pipeline_root/penguin-vertex-training
We will use the same Palmer Penguins dataset as Simple TFX Pipeline Tutorial.
There are four numeric features in this dataset which were already normalized to have range [0,1]. We will build a classification model which predicts the species
of penguins.
We need to make our own copy of the dataset. Because TFX ExampleGen reads inputs from a directory, we need to create a directory and copy dataset to it on GCS.
gsutil cp gs:// {DATA_ROOT}/
InvalidUrlError: Cloud URL scheme should be followed by colon and two slashes: "://". Found: "gs:///data/penguin-vertex-training/".
Take a quick look at the CSV file.
gsutil cat {DATA_ROOT}/penguins_processed.csv | head
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